Friday, September 5, 2008

only he reaches the full stretch, holding nothing back

and the journey continues...
I've been discovering so much about myself, about my unforgiveness, my anxiety, my motivation, my heart. To say it's been hard would be a huge understatement. God is SO good. He's unveiled a deep passion within my heart, he's picked me up and showed me that i AM worth it, despite what the world is silently screaming in my ear. I have found that my heart is precious in his sight. He told me how he's always been there; how he's always cared about my achievements, my secret pleasures, the time i scraped my knee in kindergarten. It's unlike any love i know or will ever know. And yet I still push, not realizing that the deepest thing my heart desires is what i try to keep out.


Nadine said...

You are precious to Him. He's told me.

Demara said...

i loved the last line of what you wrote here...

isn't that funny that i too feel the same way...those that i hold close to my heart i sometimes try and keep out! you are definitely not alone! that's why there's blog networks!!!
:) come by for a visit sometime, my door's always open.

Cyndi Mulligan said...

I hope you'll add to your blog soon. I bookmarked it the same day I discovered it. You write your honesty, tenderness, and sensitive spirit, and that's a gift. I hope He gives you more. Blessings.